Delahenty Machinery Pty Ltd

KTECH 652 is an automatic double column bandsaw that includes the most advanced technology available to cut bars, tubes, solids and profiles up to 60 both left and right. An automatic sawing machine with CNC managed feeder and sawframe, KTECH has 10 touch screen interface to manage the cutting process and is the perfect working tool for professionals. 10 touch screen display KTECH 652 has an easy and intuitive interface dedicate to optimize the user-experience thanks the CNC system and 10 touch screen display the user can manage all the machine operative function, set up 99 cutting p...
VIC - Delivers Nationally

KTECH 502 is an automatic double column bandsaw that includes the most advanced technology avilable to cut bars, tubes, solids and profiles up to 60 both letf and right. An automatic sawing machine with CNC managed feeder and sawframe, KTECH has 10 touch screen interface to manage the cutting process and is the perfect working tool for professionals. 10 touch screen display KTECH 502 has an easy and intuitive interface dedicate to optimize the user-experience thanks to the CNC system and 10 touch screen display the user can manage all the machine operative function, set up 99 cutting...
VIC - Delivers Nationally

Autocut saw for small and medium productions The BS 350 GH sawing machine is a highly versatile and reliable machine with autonomous descent for cutting small and medium series productions both mechanical and carpentry for angle cuts up to 45 right and up to 60 left. Features Electric control The machine operations are managed by means of an adjustable electric control panel, control LEDs and motor absorption ammeter. Wide working surface BS 350 GH is equipped with a wide working space 460 mm diameter with rotating table integral with the sawframe to avoid incisions of the table , ro...
VIC - Delivers Nationally

Manual bandsaw able to cut both left and right BS 300 PLUS is the manual bandsaws that can cut both left up to 60 and right up to 45 , a versatile working tool to realize small and medium batch production, a versatile working tool that can be used either in mechanics and steelwork. Features Wide working area BS 300 PLUS is equipped with a wide diameter working area and a system of automatic easy stops at 0 , 45 and 60 left and 45 right with graduated plate to identify and set different angles. Opening vice The vice has adjustable guides, free to move alongside the worktable, with ra...
VIC - Delivers Nationally

Short description Imet semiautomatic pivotal bandsaw BS 400 SHI is the professional tool suitable for medium sized production of tubes and profles for carpentry. It s able to cut up to 45 on the right and 60 on the left. The machine can be used in every working environment and workfow to cut steel even with high resistance and cast-iron materials Working area BS 400 SHI has a wide working area able to optimize the user workfow the working table allows to have full support of the material and rotate together with the saw to avoid damages on its surface. Material detect device To ease ...
VIC - Delivers Nationally

Heavy duty semiautomatic vertical saw. SIRIO 370 is the semi-automatic vertical miter saw for cutting solids and steel profiles also with high resistance by applying the ESC speed variator, the range of materials go from steel to stainless steel and light alloys. The machine can cut from 0 to 45 right and from 0 to 60 left. Structure The SIRIO models have high structural stability to reduce vibrations and movements of the miter saw when cutting. The rigid vertical structure is in cast iron with a large surface of contact between the machine head and the structure to ensure even more ...
VIC - Delivers Nationally

CNC automatic circular machine for aluminium Automatic circular saw VELOX 350 AF-NC 90 is a professional working tool developed to cut aluminium, light and non-ferrous materials with high precision and accuracy the machine is designed to cut only at 0 with a reduced final scrap-end 30 mm . It s available in two version one has the feeder with piston transmission, the other with belt. Head in cast-iron - Velox machines have a cast-iron cutting head made in block block that helps to reduce vibration while cutting and avoid slow-downs and bindings a vertical piston provides to have an e...
VIC - Delivers Nationally

H 650 is a double column, semiautomatic bandsaw for straight cut of tubes, pipes, profiles, beams and solids up to 280mm suitable for carpentries, steel works factories, structural steels and tube producers. The machine has a wide working area to support material before and after the blade and electro-welded saw frame structure with hydraulic descent. Cutting details - Round 510mm - Square 480mm - Rectangular 650x450mm - Solids C45 280mm - Main technical features Electro welded saw frame with hydraulic descent, sliding on linear guides and metal pads with recirculating ballscrew High...
VIC - Delivers Nationally

Automatic double column bandsaw for solids XSMART4 is n automatic double column bandsaw suitable for straight cut of solids up to 360mm diameter, the ideal working tool for professionals and workshops who look for the best efficiency and productivity on an easy-to-use and affordable machine. XSMART4 is equipped with 4KW motor reducer, blade height 41mm, 7in touch screen display and integrated feeder.
VIC - Delivers Nationally

Automatic bandsaws for every working environment XSMART3 is an automatic double column bandsaws for straight cuts and totally managed by CNC with 7inch touch screen display, easy and intuitive interface. Fully protected by carters to provide maximum security to the user, it s an easy to use professional tools that can be installed in every environment and mechanic workshop.
VIC - Delivers Nationally

Semiautomatic bandsaws for straight cut H800 is the semiautomatic double column bandsaw for straight cut 90 that provides high working performances with reliable cutting quality and an optimized cutting process thanks to the 5 canted blade, easing the material penetration even on the biggest sizes. The machine is suitable for tubes, pipes, full materials and carpentry works.
VIC - Delivers Nationally

IMET XT4 professional bandsaw Automatic Bandsaws for industry application XT Series is the latest and more advanced professional tool developed by IMET technicians for industry application and massive production of steel and metal solids XT4 is an automatic double column bandsaw with straight cut with mechanical cutting parameters, touch screen display, and innovative design to guarantee user safety during the entire cutting process
VIC - Delivers Nationally